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NEWS VIDEOS-Voice of America
During the 2022 presidential election, I created videos for the Voice of America China Branch around topics including politics, public health, economy, and US-China relation, on the official website, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook accounts.

Click the images below to watch the videos:
During the anti-zero-COVID policy protests, aka "A4 Revolution Movement", around the world, I videographed the gathering near the Chinese Embassy building in New York City on 11/29/2022. Later Wainao/WHYNOT (a  Mandarin digital news magazine for young Chinese-speaking audiences around the world) featured my video in their article about the global protests.
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The Hudson Independent
The Indy covers local news and social events in Dobbs Ferry, Ard­s­ley on Hud­son, Irv­ing­ton, Tar­ry­town, Sleepy Hol­low, Scar­bor­ough on Hud­son and Pocan­tico Hills.  I interviewed people related to the video topics,  and shot and edited the videos.
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